Submitted by Tom Lane on Wed, 05/01/2013 - 13:55

Wishing you the best. Keep that sunscreen on...Healy side of the mountain is seeing lots of snow. Wonder if it will be the same for you? Tom

Ken Williams

Thanks for the note, Tom....I got mine sunscreenand saw other folks buying some at REI yesterday.I have a 5 gallon bucket of SPF 900...think that will do it?
Take care and great to hear from you.


Hope you are flying in today -- the north side of the Alaska Range was clear, I saw Denali from the top of Ester Dome outside Fairbanks this morning. It looked gorgeous, especially after all the snow we've been having. If you run into pilot Bill Post of Talkeetna Air Taxi, say hello to him for me - we used to work together way back. He spent time in Maine too, as I recall! Alaska is a small, wonderful world, and my classes and I will enjoy following your adventure.


That was from Carol Scott