Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/22/2009 - 10:28

Dear Doc,

We love hearing from you and about all of your adventures and discoveries. However, we can't help but be selfish and wish you were with us. We especially liked seeing you in the animal garb and all of your interesting archeaological finds. We hope your having a wonderful trip and can't wait to see you in June.



Michael Wing

Thank you Umami:  I miss all of you, too.  Hey, Finland is the land of the carnivores!  There's hardly a vegetable in sight.  (A note of explanation for those readers unfamiliar with the ROCK Program:  Almost everyone in the class called Umami is studying a meat or other animal food for ROCK's food project.  The traditional Finnish diet is also heavy on animal proteins.)
yours always, Michael ("Doc") Wing