Hi Frank,

I have some bones for you to identify for me. I think I need to respond to this entry so I can get into the gallery???

I found the bones in Barrow on the beach.

What do you think?



Elizabeth Eubanks

OOPs I am a bad scientist. I should have included a dime or something as a point of size.

Elizabeth Eubanks

PS - Did the Nuvuk group get the article from the Palm Beach Post?Kim said that she mailed it to them.
Just checking.
Thanks Frank,

Frank Kelley

Hey, It's blowing and storming like crazy up here. 30+MPH winds with higher gusts and  temps hovering around freezing. Snowing sideways. The ice had been gone, way far gone, but now is back in. 
The plants will come in once this storm blows itself out.
The bones, 2 vertebrates, probably seal. The little bone, looks like a seal humerus (arm bone). Big bone, whale bone, specifically, hard to tell. I will share with the experts tomorrow.
The article did make it up here, well received and appreciated.
Hope all is well down there, we're hunkered down in the lab for another day. No sense going out to the Point. It may be very different from when we left on Monday.
Be well,
PS: Thanks for following along. 

Frank Kelley

Hi again Elizabeth, I think the winds have dropped down to around 20mph so I'll check on Sunny 1 and 2.
The bones were checked out by another Nuvuk researcher, Tony, who agreed about you possibly having 2 seal vertebrate, maybe a seal clavicle, and a femur (leg bone) of whale or walrus.
Hope that helps. Stay warm!!