Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/15/2012 - 19:05


Curious ... How has the lack of darkness affected you physiologically and psychologically? Have you noticed any significant impacts on you?

Thanks, Tim

Melissa Barker

Hello Tim,
Great question. The lack of darkness allows us to work much later into the evening and I seem to not feel tired when I normally would. Back home I am typically an early to bed person, but here at Toolik I have not gone to bed before 11:30 yet! It is strange to wake up in the middle of the night and have it be light out where you walk to the bathroom. I am pretty exhausted at the end of each day, but I seem to be adjusting to a few less hrs of sleep than normal. The eye mask is critical for sleeping. I also notice that it take me longer to actually get to sleep once I am in bed. It seems like I have to convince my body that it is actually time to sleep. All in all, being outside all day each day allows me to be invigorated during the day even if I am a little tired.