Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 06:07

Knippenberg and crew,

I am AMAZED at all that you are doing. I have found myself sayin g quite a few times "no way" when reading the journal. OMG - this is incredible. Thank you for all the updates!

Stay warm! G

Lindsay Knippenberg

Hey G!
Thanks for following along. This place is pretty amazing and I have had a lot of OMG moments myself. See ya in about a month.


I so look forward to reading your journals during my prep hour. The stuff I would have never thought of. I LOVE your poop tent. I'm thinking this would be a great Christmas gift for V.
Seriously - do you ever feel warm? I like it cold when I sleep but, holy moly, that is ridiculas!
Your stories are great. I think anyone reading your journal is learning quite a bit. I've said it before and I'll say it again - this adventure is completely amazing. Keep up the great work!!!

Lindsay Knippenberg

Thanks G,
The only time I really feel warm is when I am working hard in the tunnel. Other than that, it is always cold. The first night that I was here, I slept all the way inside my sleeping bag and I emerged to find everything covered in frost. Every day we get more and more direct sunlight and it is slowly warming things up. Do you know if the kids are following my journals? I have gotten a couple of questions from some of them, but I was just curious. Thanks for following and enjoy the fall colors. I am sad that I am missing the trees change color this year. 