Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 10/27/2009 - 18:31


It looks like you are having a great experience. I am so jelous. Have you seen anything really unusualy that you may not have expected since you have been there? If so, what was it? Hope you are staying warm.


Lindsay Knippenberg

Hey Val!Thanks for checking in on me and asking a question. My research team prepared me really well for what I would experience out here in the Dry Valleys. The only thing that astonishes me is how scale is so screwed up here. Our camp is in a valley surrounded by huge mountains and everything seems smaller than what it really is. When we hike places you think it is a short distance until you start hiking and then you realize that you have been hiking awhile and you haven't gone anywhere.It's actually pretty cool. I was also surprised by how cold it is. The first morning I was here I woke up covered in frost and I was freezing cold. The sun is out more and more each day, so it is really warming up and  I hardly get any frost in the morning anymore. Thanks for following along. 