Hi Jim.

Are you back in Barrow? What are you doing now and how is the science going? How much did Barrow and the landscape change since you left?

Hope all is well!


Jim Miller

Yep, back in Barrow. I was only gone for a few days. David and I just got done extracting all of the electrodes from the soil and harvesting the bacteria from the electrodes. He is taking them back and having them sequenced to see what types of bacteria were attracted to the electrodes. Since I was only gone a few days, Barrow didn't change. However, there have been significant changes since I arrived. The nights are almost completely dark now. Also, there is no more sea ice around. When I first arrived there was a lot of sea ice left. Also, there have been a lot of barges coming in and dropping off heavy machinery, building supplies, cars, semis, etc. - basically all of the equipment they will need for the winter. All of the heavy-duty materials and vehicles have to be barged in as there are no roads to Barrow. I can't believe it's been 8 weeks already!! Where has the time gone?Thanks!