Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 03/11/2012 - 16:30

Wow Amber-- PQ'd, orientation, packing, Chile, penguins, and a big red boat in a little over a month. Does it feel like a dream? Since you are a very seasoned traveler, has there been anything that has surprised you so far on this expedition? Hope you get sailing soon- Deanna

Amber Lancaster

It does feel like a dream. Especially because we're now in the Atlanticand everything is rocking and rolling a whole lot. I'm not ready to
throw up, but my stomach isn't quite normal.
Nothing super crazy has happened except for all the delays actually
getting started. The most surprising thing to me has been having so
many professors in one place at one time and to watch them interacting
with their students. I was so intimidated by my professors when I was
in school and these professors just have a casual way of being with
their students. It's a good reminder that professors are just people too.