Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/29/2007 - 21:56

Ms. Linsley and the Team,

 I recently calculated my carbon footprint and was amazed by the amount of Carbon Dioxide I produce each day. While reading your post concerning the studying the footprint left by researches, I initially thought that the impact would be relaitively small compared to a huge metropolis. Then a questoin came to mind and who better to ask than the people studying the human impact right now! Do the the same amounts of carbon dioxide emissions have a greater effect in the Polar regions than they do in other parts of the Earth? In other words, is more harm being done to the environment by flying a plane across Antarctica than across The United States?

 Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer my question!

Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons

Ann Linsley

Hi Guthrie!
Great question.  I checked on it and Dr. Klein says that no, there is no greater impact here of carbon producing processes then at any other location on the planet.
take care!
Ann Linsley


are they true about the footprint in himalayas