Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 12/09/2011 - 07:09

Blake: Why do penguins choose to make their nests out of rocks rather than other softer materials?

Rose: Why do the penguins hang out in an area covered in rocks rather than in the snow or somewhere else?

Katie: Have any of the penguins you have seen had any deformities or injuries?

Everyone says hi and misses you. Be safe and have fun!

Michelle Brown

Hello period 3!Blake: Great question! The nests are made out of rocks because there
aren't other materials to make the nest out of! The sediment is soft and
could move if the wind picked up or runoff from melting ice washed it away.
Rose: The penguins have nests on rocks rather than ice or snow because
it is warmer to place the egg on the ground. Although snow can be warmer
than the cold air, it is not warmer than insulated ground. Another great
Katie: No, I haven't seen any penguins with deformities, however there
were numerous dead penguins lying on the ground. Most of these seemed to
be younger penguins that the Skuas probably got a hold of (sad, I know).
Great questions everyone! I'm excited to see you all soon!
Ms. Brown