Awesome pictures, Mike!! We haven't met, but I'm headed to Antarctica in October. Your pictures really add to my excitement...which isn't good as I need to be up at 4 am to catch a flight to CA to meet my team for the first time! Am looking forward to following your expedition!!

Mike Rhinard

Hi Michele!  Nice to "meet" you.  Are you going to Antarctica as a PolarTREC teacher?
What will you be doing there?  What part of Antarctica?  Ross Powell, one of the PI's I'm with now, does alot of work there.  He'd be a good one to talk to about what to expect.  
We'll try to keep the photos and journals coming from Svalbard - the other end of the globe.  I oops'd a bit on the photos and may have some posted twice. But they're of such awesome scenery I doubt people will mind looking at them again.
Enjoy meeting your team and check in again.

Michele Cross

Hey Mike...I'll be with SCINI, Stacy Kim, Bob Zook and the rest of team. We'll be based out of McMurdo but headed to a variety of places while there. I'm one of the last to deploy, and that will be at the end of October (from the East coast, anyways.) I'm actually on my way back home as I was just in CA for pre-deployment orientation with the team. I had a pretty incredible time...overwhelmed, but very excited!! Hope all is going well with you and your expedition!