Aloha Ms. Wheeler!

You are on our minds as you are about to take a most wonderous journey to the frozen Bering Sea. We hope once you unpack on the ship, you take time to get up to the Bridge and look at all the creatures who tough out the winter. A few questions to help us understand your journey...

Could you please list what clothes/gear you brought with? How much did all your gear weigh? What is the one thing you brought with you to remind you of your home?

We hope that your journey is off to a smooth start!

warmly, Mrs. P and her students

Deanna Wheeler

Hello Mrs. P and Students-
I brought a backpack and a duffle bag full of clothes and gear. The gear included a computer, camera, recorder, insulated rubber boots, a warm hat, gloves, and jacket. The total weight was over 60 pounds as I also brought some gifts for the school in Savoonga. A photo of my own children and a J.C. Parks Mustang remind me of home.
I'm ready!
Deanna Wheeler