Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/16/2008 - 11:26

Dear Ms.Pena

my names liam and im in forth grade and its my first year  at zilker though you dont now me I now you .

i have some Q's

do you like pie

have you played world of warcraft the vidoe game

do you like moneyCoolCryEmbarassedFoot in mouthFrownInnocentKissLaughingMoney mouthSealedSmileSurprisedTongue outUndecidedWinkYell

Money mouthMoney mouthMoney mouthMoney mouthMoney mouthMoney mouthMoney mouth


Katie Pena

Hi Liam,
So, I am glad that you are reading the website-- but I need some science questions before I answer your fun questions. I will answer one question for now and hope to get a couple of science questions. I love pie-- my favorite dessert is apple pie-- love it!
Thanks, Mrs. Pena


Mrs. Pena,
I like apple pie too but I do have some science quiestions for you:
1. What has been the coldest temputure recorded?
2. How do you stay warm?