Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 12/23/2009 - 13:37

How far is it from each of the camp sites in miles?

Sarah Diers

In a completely non-scientific manner I will answer this question with approximate numbers, not all in miles and certainly not precise!It takes about 45 minutes by helicopter to fly from McMurdo Station to the Lake Fryxell field camp. From Fryxell Camp to the fabulous camp at Lake Hoare the hike takes about 3 hours, but I really think only covers 3 or 4 miles. The distance does not match-up better with the time as the terrain covered is steep, difficult to walk on, and for a good while goes over the beautiful and cryoconite pocked Canada Glacier. From Fryxell Camp to F6- the camp on the opposite shore of Lake Fryxell, again terrain plays a large part in determining time from one camp to the other. To get to F6 we walk across the frozen Lake Fryxell- when it is really cold and the ice is nice and solid the approximately 1.5 mile walk takes less than an hour. On days or weeks when the sun beats down upon the lake ice and causes slushy ponds and treacherous ridges the time to cross the lake easily becomes an hour or two. I apologize for the lack of specific numbers in this answer, as you were so wonderful to use a specific measurement in your question. I will continue to ask other people who are more "in the know" than I for help in answering your question.Until then, keep cool!Sarah