Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/27/2011 - 20:00

Hi Paula! It's so good to see you are doing well in Antarctica! I loved your journal about antioxidants and how you connected fresh fruit (including a delicious looking bowl of blueberries) to nutrition as well as the research! We're starting a unit on nutrition here in a few weeks and I'll be sure to show them your journals! Hope all is well and I'm thinking of you! Keep up the great work with your journals!

Sincerely, Michelle Brown

Paula Dell

Hi Michelle,Great to hear from you and so glad you are liking the journals. It's amazing down here and I'm learning so much. Also include that there is still a lot of unclarity how much eating things like blueberries, etc. actually do to combat the ROS but it certainly can't hurt to eat more fruit and vitamins.