Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 04/24/2011 - 13:51

Hey Ms.Dell,

Aaron here, sorry I haven't stopped by to follow your trip! I've been trying to finish up these last couple of weeks of school here in Missouri. How is everthing going, have you all had any luck with catching any Ice Fishes? And do you know if your findings will reveal anything about us as humans?

Best regards,


Paula Dell

Hi Aaron,It's great to hear from you! I'm having a great time down here. Super interesting, beautiful and I'm learning so much. The winch on the ship broke on the way down here so we couldn't catch icefishes. We did catch a lot of red-blooded Antarctic fish which we needed also. The winch is now fixed and we are going out fishing for the icefishes next week. Hopefully, what we find out about hemoglobin and how these fish function without it will inform us about protein functioning, adaptations, etc. Glad you are following along. Say hi to your mom!
Ms. Dell