Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 04/28/2011 - 15:19

Hi Ms.Dell, I saw that you said that there was good weather some of the time you're in Antartica. My question is What is good weather for Antartica? Is it not as cold as usual or something different? I also really liked the video of the itching seal, it was really funny!

-Christina Estes-Wynne

Paula Dell

Hi Christina,Nice to hear from you. Great question - what does good weather mean in Antarctica? Well, we are heading into winter down here. The days are getting shorter by about 10-15 minutes every day! Good weather in this case means we haven't had any real bad storms, the temperature hasn't dropped down below zero. It has mostly been in the 20s, even low 30s (F) which is great. Mostly it's been cloudy and windy but on a sunny day we all get excited and you can see the beautiful mountains that are around us. I'm glad you liked the seal. That was a lot of fun watching it. Did you see the video of our fishing on the ship?
Ms. Dell