Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 20:09
  1. The name of the teacher is Jillian Worssam.
  2. The expedition is sponsored by a partnership through PolarTREC and NOAA’S Teacher at Sea Program. It is called the Bering Ecosystem Study 08”
  3. The date of the entry:  June 30-August 2, 2008.

Expedition summary:  Jillian Worssam is part of a team that will be studying the ecosystem of the Bering Sea.  They will conduct sampling along a series of transects over the eastern Bering.  The researchers will be measuring salinity, temperature, and nutrient content of the sea water, to name a few. One discovery: Changes in the organic matter supply on the sea floor affect benthic organisms. One question I had:  Are there any type of species in the Bering Sea that are in danger?