Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/11/2007 - 12:22

Hi Maggie,


the pressure experiment with the cups was great.  I would like to know what depth they were taken to, what mb pressure that corresponded to, and whether there was any quantified data on the cups (or balls) in terms of their changes.

the photos are great, nice to see your smiling face Maggie From Maui!!

Mary Anne (PolarTREC)

Maggie Prevenas

Hi Mary Anne!I know Robyn talked to me about you posting a question to me under her question forum. I have been back almost a week (well it will be a week on Tuesday) and I have had time to work on some things. Here is a virtual lab I created for my students to use the pressure experiment and try to quantify it some. Feel free to try it out with your kids too. I know how our seventh graders are always in need of improving metric conversion and measurement skills.
OOOOps, looks like I cannot up load it here. Say I will upload it under my journal entry for May 2 ( .
Hope you will be able to find it.