Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 05/04/2007 - 14:51
Dear Mrs. P.,
How do you get rid of all the garbage on the ship?  How can you burn when it
sounds like it could be dangerous.
Was thinking if you are getting lonesome?
Just wondering,
As always
swimgreenbay [at]

Maggie Prevenas

Hi Mumma!How does the ship get rid of trash?
First we have to separate our trash into burnable, and recyclable, and non-burnable-non-recyclable. The non-burnable-non-recyclable we put in small bags inside the trash bins which are stored outside on the second deck. When we get into port, I guess they call a garbage service which hauls it to the dump or sanitary landfill.
The recyclable, we sort and bring to an area that is held until we get into port and then it is all recycled. The burnable we burn.
Robyn and I have volunteered for trash burners. We had to, our resident firebugs left the ship last Saturday. So on Wednesday, we were trained to burn the garbage in the ships incinerator. We have been burning ever since. We burn the science folks burnable trash. There has been quite a bit. Today, we burned 34 small bags of trash. It took pretty much all of two hours after we sorted it, put it into smaller bags, took out the non burnables, and slowly burned it.
It's not dangerous because we follow a whole lot of rules and both of us keep check on each other to make sure it's safe.
Read Robyn's May 4 journal entry. It's all about learning to burn. More than we ever thought we would.
It IS hot.
Mrs. P


so what your saying in the first part is that you or someone separates over 5000 cans of trash a day?? im pretty sure doing that is not possible