Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 02/07/2008 - 09:33

Does anyone stay at McMurdo Station during Febuary to August? And if so do they recieive mail?

Kirk Beckendorf

Yes people do winter at McmUrdo. While I was there I heard a wind range of numbers for how many people do winter over, I never did hear an official count, but it is somewhere around 200. I'm not sure about receiving mail. I'll see what I can find out.Kirk 


Thanks again

Kirk Beckendorf

I checked with George, who is still in McMurdo. He said that there is no winter mail delivery. They used to do a mail drop (fly over and push it out). But with the advent of the Internet there is not the need or demand for that anymore.Kirk


Are you going back down there this year? If so I would like to send you a letter to take with you. It is a project that I am doing.Thanks Larry

Kirk Beckendorf

Larry,Sorry, at this point in time I have no plans to be back in McmUrdo this year.