Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 11/17/2009 - 03:39
 Dear Ms. Cross,
                            I am one of the students from Mrs.Waldeck's class.  My name is Hannah.  Does all of the Ice look cool??  Did you see any penguins up close?  Hope you are having fun!!

   From Mrs.Waldeck's class

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!
The ice is AMAZING here!! It certainly has a life of its own...and even literally so! When you see sea ice that looks a golden color, that means that there is plankton living in it!! It also makes for some pretty cool "sculptures" as well. We saw one that looked like a crocodile's head!! Be looking for my post sometime today before we head out till next weekend.
In terms of penguins....I'm a little bummed. Nothing up close....hopefully before I leave though!!
Have a great rest of the week!!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!
The ice is AMAZING here!! It certainly takes on a life of its own...and even literally so! When you see sea ice that looks a golden color, that means that there is plankton living in it!! It also makes for some pretty cool "sculptures" as well. We saw one that looked like a crocodile's head!! Be looking for my post sometime today before we head out till next weekend.
In terms of penguins....I'm a little bummed. Nothing up close....hopefully before I leave though!!
Have a great rest of the week!!
Mrs. Cross


hi my name is mark freeman from mrs.Waldeck's class. we have been asking weird questions.and we will stop that.have a penguin ate your food.did it take your phone,gloves,hat,socks,coat,earings and other stuff. from mark hope you have a great time kk bye

Michele Cross

Hey Mark!
You crack me up!! LOL!! Keep the questions's OK...really! So, you want to know about penguins, huh? penguin has not eaten my food, but I did eat part of Bob's lunch one day. (Bob designed SCINI, our ROV.)
Truth be told, I'm actually a little disappointed that I've not gotten to see penguins close up, but I sure am hoping to have a chance before I leave in a couple of weeks. We're off to Cape Evans on Sunday, so I'm at least hoping to see seals!!
So Mark, you'll have to stay tuned!! Hope you had an awesome Thanksgiving!!
Mrs. Cross

mark freeman

I had a wonderful THANKSGIVING.My cousins came up were going to see the movie the blind side.I't will be very fun.I think the movie will be so wonderful i will want to see one thousnd times.I hope you see penguins up close and seals
have a nice day From Mark Freeman

Michele Cross

Hey Mark! Hope you didn't eat too much!! Enjoy the time with your cousins and enjoy the rest of your time off from school! I'm off to the lab to work today before our dinner at 7 pm.
Take care!
Mrs. Cross


My cousins are leaving tomorrow the two girls are being anowing.seriusly.I didnt even eat that much i wasn't ungry at all. hope you dont eat that much. from mark freeman

Michele Cross crack me up! We girls can be annoying sometime--agreed! I'm eating in a few hours--can't wait!! Be looking for a new journal entry!! I'm working on it now!Mrs. Cross
Sent: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 14:37:53 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

mark freeman

yes girls are anoying i used to have a girlfriend she was crazy.Im eating at 5:00 every day.I just got back from my friends band named inermission the band. from mark freeman

mark freeman

yes girls are anoying i used to have a girlfriend she was crazy.Im eating at 5:00 every day.I just got back from my friends band named inermission the band. from mark freeman

mark freeman

yes girls are anoying i used to have a girlfriend she was crazy.Im eating at 5:00 every day.I just got back from my friends band named inermission the band. from mark freeman

mark freeman

yes girls are anoying i used to have a girlfriend she was crazy.Im eating at 5:00 every day.I just got back from my friends band named inermission the band. from mark freeman

mike peek

My name is mike from Mrs.Waldeck we been talking to you for a long time and i enjoyed it.I am excited for the next live event.I got some questions for you how was your thanksgiving.Are you haveing fun,how cold is it.Has scine saw anything cool under water.please write sincerely,

Michele Cross

Hi Mike!I'm glad you guys will be joining us for the next Live Event!
We celebrated Thanksgiving as a community on Saturday, and the galley staff put out quite the spread!! It was the most amazing meal with SOOOOOO many choices--including King Crab legs. Of course, I ate WAAAYYYYYYY too much!
While this has been a challenging place to work, I've so enjoyed experiencing just a tiny part of this magnificent continent! And yes, SCINI has "seen" some very cool underwater critters. Be looking for pictures in the upcoming week and in the Live Event!
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Mark! Guess we can all be a bit annoying at times, huh?? Looking forward to "talking" with your class during our next Live Event!! Enjoy the rest of your Thanksgiving vacation!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 14:51:58 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

mike peek

i never had crab legs they sound good. Has scini seen any penguins under water? Do you have a hard time sleeping? what other choices did you have? Prouple turkey with gravy huh. I just finsh my homework it was really easy. What job do have to do down there? Plaese write back your friend,

mike peek

i never had crab legs they sound good. Has scini seen any penguins under water? Do you have a hard time sleeping? what other choices did you have? Prouple turkey with gravy huh. I just finsh my homework it was really easy. What job do have to do down there? Plaese write back your friend,

Garrett Evans

Hi, I am a student in Mrs. Waldeck's 4th grade class. My mom read about you in the paper, too. I think it's really cool that my class is getting to see you on the live event. How cold is it there now? Do you know Miss Kathy Swiecki? She was a Chadwicks/Sauquoit Elementary teacher too. She retired in 2008. She is taking a cruise to Antarctica in January!
Your friend,

Michele Cross

Hi Garrett!!
Thanks for following!! Temperatures are now in the  20's, but the winds can still be brutal. Thank God when the sun is out as it feels WONDERFUL!!
Believe it or not, I had Miss Swiecki in 7th grade! That makes me old--er! LOL!!  Very coolthat she's doing a cruise. She'll most likely be on the South Georgia Island side (closer to S. America).
Looking forward to having your class join us next week!!
 Take care!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hi Mike!SCINI has seen much under the ice, but I'm not sure about penguins. Although, there are plans for her to be used in some penguin research in the next 2 years. Stay tuned!!
Thanksgiving dinner had MANY, MANY choices...vegetarian options, roast beef, potatoes, gravy, stuffing and many other entrees, appetizers, etc. The desserts were PLENTIFUL!! And, I ate WAY too much!!
Sometimes I have a hard time sleeping, but that's usually when I can't turn my mind off due to a variety of reasons. Sometimes when I'm overtired I have a tough time sleeping...and when fire alarms go off at 2:20 am! While in the field I slept with my neck gaiter up over my eyes. That helps a TON!!
I have many jobs here: blogging on two websites, answering questions, preparing for Live Events, and assisitng the SCINI team in any way--lots of hauling of equipment, drilling holes, you name it.
Till next time!! Take care, Mike!
Mrs. Cross

mike peek

what happens before you get overtired. How far can scini swim? do you have a tv down there? Do you miss your stundents? When you had crab legs was that your first time having them? please write back your friend,

mike peek

what happens before you get overtired. How far can scini swim? do you have a tv down there? Do you miss your stundents? When you had crab legs was that your first time having them? please write back your friend,

Michele Cross

Hi Mike!!Well, I usually don't realize I'm overtired till I try to sleep...and can't. But, when I'm at that point, I feel like I'm dragging myself around, and I can be a little cranky! SCINI has a 1000 ft. tether, so that's how far she can go. Pretty far, huh? There is tv but I haven't watched TV since i left on October 29th. I really don't miss it either. But, I do miss my students. I feel like I haven't seen them forever even though it's only been a little over a month. Hmmm....I don;t remember the first time I had crab legs...perhaps when I was in college??? When you get to be my age your memory goes! LOL!! Take care!! 
 Mrs. Cross

Christopher Mazza

Dear Mrs. Cross My name is Christopher Mazza from Mrs. Waldeck's class.
I'm wondering,are you busyer there or at your school? Who is your best friend on this trip? What is your favorite job on this trip?
Your Friend,
Christopher Mazza :^ )


Hi Mrs.Cross, I am so sorry that I have not been able to write to you, I have been so busy latley. You write my class back about every day. I CAN NOT WAIT TILL THE NEXT LIVE EVENT!!
Did any of your coworker's get hit with the seal snot!! LOL!!!! I would LOVE to get to see seals, and penguins. What do you eat for dinner, lunch and breakfeast? What time do you wake up at? I wake up at 6:00 every school morning. What color is SKINI? Did you like school and your teachers' when you where my age? I like all of my teachers aspecialy the my teacher this year Mrs.Waldeck!!
Your #1 Fan

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!!I hear you on the "busy"!! That's why I get up between 5 & 5:30 am....SO much to do!! I wear many hats down here!! I sent the PowerPoint of this morning, so we are a "GO" for the Live Event!! Can't wait!! Glad you're excited as well!!
Well, I think I heard it said that Kamille got hit with the snot. I'll ask. In terms of food, I am planning on photgraphing some of my meals so you and everyone else can see. I eat A LOT down here, but that's because I'm outside during the day working...especially this week. The food has been terrific, with MUCH variety! SCINI is made out of white PVC pipe (6 in). There should be pictures. And, I LOVED school when I was your age and had THE BEST teachers from kindergarten on up through high school. I actually graduated from Chadwicks 2 years before Chadwicks and Sauquoit consolidated.
Thanks for checking in!!
Mrs. Cross


Dear Mrs. Cross What was the best part of the trip so far ?How heavy is SKINI? Who drive's SKINI? What was the most amazing thing you saw?I can't wait for the live event! Our class loved the seal video especially when SNOT CAME OUT OF THE SEAL'S NOSE LOL!!!!! i think it is the best video so far. Would you like to drive one of those car's? What was the best meal you had so far which do you like better breakfast,lunch,or dinner? Thank you for being our penpail.
Your #1 Fan
Ben Vanderpool

Michele Cross

Hi Ben!!I'd have to say that my favorite part of this trip is just being here and seeing the beauty of this place every day. What a privilege!! I've enjoyed seeing and hearing the seals and LOVED seeing what was under the ice out at Cinder Cones yesterday! There's so much life and color!!! Amazing!!!
SCINI is about 35 pounds and her pilots are Francois, Bob and David. Although, Francois does most of the transects. 
I'm not sure what car you mean, but I did drive a piston bully (pit bull) by myself a few weeks ago. It's kind of like what I imagine driving a tank would be like. And, it is a VERY rough ride in the back!!  I keep telling people that if they find a kidney, it's mine! LOL!
The best meal was by far Thanksgiving dinner!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually like all the meals here pretty well. They're all different. I like it when they have scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. I LOVE cookie Wednesday--at lunch! And, the Sunday brunch is fabulous!!! They do a great job in the galley!!
Thanks so much for following and glad you'll be joining us next week!!
Mrs. Cross


Hi Mrs. Cross, I hope Kamille did not get hit with the snot!! You wake up really early!! Monday December 7th is my sister's birthday!! When is your birthday?
Know how we get Saturday and Sunday off from school, do you get Saturday and Sunday off? My guess is no.
Do different people drive SKINI each day like, they have their own day to drive SKINI?
Your #1 Fan,

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!!Unfortunately, Kamille did get hit with the lung butter...or so I've been told. My birthday is in February!. And you are correct! I do not get Saturday and Sunday off; although, rumor has it that we may get this coming Sunday off...shhh! And Dr. Kim decides on whom the pilot will be for the different dives that SCINI does. It's all her call!! Thanks for asking Hannah!! Are you getting excited about the upcoming Live Event?!?!?
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Sun, 06 Dec 2009 14:42:50 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross


Hi Mrs.Cross, I am going to look at the pics of your cats on Katherine's reply from you. I have two cat also named Dusty cause he is fast, and Shadow cause, he is gray like a shadow. What are your cats named?
I am ssssssoooooooooo exited about the live event!!!
Sorry GTG
Your #1 Fan,

mike peek

HI Mrs. Cross, Sorry i didn't reply in a long time. Do you have a chrismas tree down there? Do you sleep walk? DO you ever think that the ice is going to melt when your sleeping? Plaese write back
your friend,
Mike :)


Dear Mrs.CrossI am ssssssoooo exicted about the live event xD! Do you like being down here or teaching? Today we got 2 inches of snow so i played outside all day. Did you ever regret going on this trip? Do you like the penguins or the seals? I've got lot's more question's to ask you at the the live event so im going to save my questions till then.
Your #1 Fan Ben Vanderpool


Dear Mrs.CrossI am ssssssoooo exicted about the live event xD! Do you like being down here or teaching? Today we got 2 inches of snow so i played outside all day. Did you ever regret going on this trip? Do you like the penguins or the seals? I've got lot's more question's to ask you at the the live event so im going to save my questions till then.
Your #1 Fan Ben Vanderpool

Michele Cross

Hi Hannah!!My cats are named Rafael and Tori, and they're both rescues. Did you read the blog about them yet?? (Your cats seem to be appropriately named it!)
Hope you enjoyed the Live Event! I know that we crammed TONS in, but it's exciting stuff!!
Hope to be able to come visit you guys sometime before the school year is out!!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Mike!!Yes!! Crary Lab does have a Christmas tree and other very fun decorations!! Be looking for a journal entry at some point. The decorations have really made it feel like Christmas....and all the anow and ice helps, too.
I do not sleep walk thankfully! but, i have been known to talk a bit here and there.
The ice is actually melting quite a bit these days, and if we'd ended up setting our field camp on the ice, we would've ended up in inches of water. As a matter of fact, the "summer" runway in front of McMurdo is now closed due to thinning and melting ice, and everything is out at Pegasus which sits on 200 feet of ice. No chance of THAT melting any time soon!!
Mrs. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Ben!!I LOVE being down here, and I love being in a classroom teaching. Perhaps I could MOVE my classroom down here and have the best of BOTH worlds! What do you think??? (I heard you guys had least my mom didn't have much to shovel!)
I have never ONCE regretted going on this trip, and I would do it again in a heart beat!! It has been one of the most physically demanding and challenging things I've ever done and has come with its struggles, but no regrets here. Just a little piece of advice to keep in mind as you get older: there's nothing more painful than regret. So, when you get chances to do things that you may never get the chance to do again, think long and hard before saying "no".
Enough of my soap box! In terms of penguins and seals, I'm thrilled to see both! They're both very enjoyable to watch and very entertaining as well!
Keep following, Ben! Much more to come!!
Mrs. Cross

mike peek

Hey Mrs. CrossThers a snowday today and my friend is coming over! But i am not feeling that great. Me and my mom think i got cold sores in my mouth. I had fun at the live event! I can t believe i saw pictures that now one in the world saw ever! Please write back
Your friend,

Michele Cross

Hey Mike! I just saw that our schools are all off as well. I missed myfirst snow day, but Happy First Snow Day for you!!!!!! But, I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Feel better QUICKLY!!!
I'm SOOO glad that you enjoyed the Live Event. And, I's pretty amazing to see things that not only have people never seen before but to see things that scientists have yet to identify!! When they do name a new species, you can say, "Hey!! I saw the first picture ever!!"
Mrs. Cross

mike peek

Hi Mrs.CrossOn your frist snow day how munch snow was there? What grade were you in when you had Mr. P? I really don"t have any qustions Pease write back
Your friend,

Michele Cross

Hey Mike!! Good to hear from you!! I can't remember how much snow on my very first snow day, but I'm sure I was excited and went out and played in it!!! Mr. Petzke was my science teacher from 9th--12th grade. That's a long time, huh??? Be looking for wome cool penguin pictures ands eventually videos!!!!! They got VERY close to me!!!!Gotta go grab's almost 10 pm!!! Long day!!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Thu, 10 Dec 2009 12:44:37 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Mary Miller-Mazza

Michele, my cousin from the north,
This is your cousin from MD, now living in FL. WOW!! What an adventure!! I'm so happy for you and having this wonderful experience and once-in-a-lifetime,unbelievable chance to work and live in Antarctica! Your videos are great and allow the rest of us following your trip to share a bit in what you are doing. I can only imagine how beautiful your temporary home is, how peaceful, almost surreal it is, and oh by the way, cold and windy, even in summer. Glad you finally had a close encounter with those majestic penguins! The things you're seeing, doing, learning, and experiencing will no doubt be a high point in your life, at least until your next adventure or excursion. Checking out this website and reading the journal entries stir up the wanderlust in me. Thanks. Much love and luck coming at ya. Take care and safe travels. Mary

Mike Peek

Hi Mrs. CrossWhy do you have dinner so late? What did you do for a long day? Again I don"t really have any qustions
Plaese write back
your friend,

Mark F.

I was so happy you called our school.I was really happy to talk to you.I have questions to ask you.Im glad you saw penguins up close.
I really didnt like the live event because i wanted to see you live.I will stay tuned ok.
your #1 fan
Mark F.

Michele Cross

Hey Mary!! What a pleasant surprise!!! It has been quite the adventure to say the very least; I can't believe the time has flown by, and next week will find me back in NZ for a short stay before heading home. You'd love it here!!! So, I'm thrilled that the videos, pics and journals are having such an impact. Even they don't do this place justice, but I'll keep trying!! The penguins were so entertaining and comical....what a bunch of fruit loops!!! Of course, the emperors have a bit more composure...LOL!! Hope all is well with everyone! My love to you and all!!! (I'm already pursuing how I can get back here....time will tell!!!)Love ya!!
Sent: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:04:18 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Mike!! Dinner is late sometimes because we get back late or work late, but the galley staff is great about saving us a plate...and keeping it warm. We left for the sea ice dge at 8:30 am, and it took us over 2 hours to to get there....long day!! Typical though!!Have a great weekend!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:12:28 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

Michele Cross

Hey Mark F!! Feel free to ask away!! I'll answer your questions...I was glad to get the chance to talk to you guys as well. Sorry oyu all had to sit in the principal's office not knowing why you were there---YIKES!! That might've freaked me out!! Let me explain why we couldn't do something where we could see each other, too. (I stinks!) But, the National Science Foundation has strict rules about what you can and can't do on the interent here--and for a variety of reasons. But, security is very important, and Skype does not allow for a secured connection. Hopefully, things will change for next year, as there are other options other than Skype that are secure. I know that doesn't help you now, but....and remember, I will get to your class sometime this school year. I promise!!
Have a great weekend, Mark!!
Mrs. Cross
Sent: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 13:18:05 -0900
Subject: Comment for Forum topic: To Ms. Cross

mike peek

Hi Mrs.CrossI just got home for my friends house! And I"m going to my friends house for a party! I really Don't have any thing to say kk bye

Michele Cross

Hey Mike, Aren't you too young for parties??? LOL!! Hope you're having a good weekend. (Does Mrs. Waldeck load up the homework on the weekends?!?) I have a question for you though: if you had the chance to come to Antarctica someday, would you do it and why??
Take care!
Mrs. Cross

Mark F

Ms.Cross I get it but i dont get that the rules are strict. Thats all i could think of.
From your #1 fan
Mark F.