Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 12/01/2009 - 09:03

how do u fell about being up there. is it fun,scary,wierd,exciting,r u home sick. so many questions run through my mind. though some people say i dont have one. is the life there interesting like being able to look at all those wonderful creatures. to me it sounds fun but i would miss evrey one back home do any of you feel that way??????

your friend back home at cfa:Amber =)

Michele Cross

Hi Amber!
Geat questions!! Being here is fun, exciting and was a little scary when I fell through the ice a couple of weeks ago. I actually feel right at home here, so it doesn't feel too weird. The life under the ice is VERY interesting. Are you guys joining our webinar next week?? I'll be showing some of the first pictures that SCINI took out under the McMurdo Ice Shelf. I do  miss my family, friends and cats...AND my students!! Because I'm able to call them pretty much whenever I want, I find that that helps. I talk to my parents about once a week. I even called them from the satellite phone when I was in the field!!
So, do people say that you don't have questions or a mind. If they say either, they're WRONG!!!
Take care!! Go Bulldogs!
Mrs. Cross