Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/09/2012 - 10:10

We have a few questions about your trip 1. How do they keep the pipes from freezing? 2. Seen any plants? 3. Any local seal holes? 4. Have you been to Roosevelt Island? 5. Been in the mountains? 6. Is your bed comfy? We would like to say that our class misses our cool science teacher. :) Mitch says he loves you. i know yoou miss Cody (and Mitch)

Mike LeBaron

Hi guys - thanks for sending me some questions. I miss all of you too. I hope you are not driving Ms. Prince crazy (at least not yet).Pipes are important here. Around camp they are super insulated to help hold the heat in and prevent freezing. Inside the buildings they run in open areas where they are kept warm by the building heat. I'm pretty sure they have freeze-ups at times, but heck it's been so darned warm here (10 degrees!) that it hasn't been an issue. The water is produced from sea water by desalinization, so the water line from the ocean is really important. It's inside a big pipe that is insulated so that it doesn't freeze between the ocean and the water plant.
No plants here. There are some areas with lichens and mosses, but not right here at McMurdo. I have seen lettuce at meals - does that count?
I have seen some seals way off in the distance, but not their holes. About all I could see were black blobs on the white ice. I haven't been off of Ross Island or into the mountains, although I can see the Royal Society Range and glaciers coming off of them across the sound from McMurdo.
My bed is very comfy and I'm getting used to having 24 hour daylight so I'm sleeping better now.
You guys take care and I'll see you in December or January!
Mr. LeBaron