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    As mentioned before there are multiple parts to our research in studying the ocean floor. For two weeks we have used the multibeam, knudsen (chirp), and seismic. Today we attempt our first dredge.

    Just to review, the multibeam is literally mapping the ocean floor. The chirp gets a bit more definition in its image, and actually penetrates the sediment and the seismic can "see" down up to a kilometer. All of these pictures are being taken through the use of energy and measurement of time, no photographic cameras. For the knudsen and multibeam, the source of the energy is an electrical charge. For the seismic, an air gun with approximately 2000 psi.

    Electronic equipment for sea floor mapping
    From the Knudsen, to the multibeam, to the seismic, all scientific equipment used to map the ocean floor.

    Each instrument releases energy in different frequencies and each frequency penetrates to different depths. It is the time measured between source and receiver that gives scientists their pictures of the ocean floor. Velocity comes in to play with salinity and temperature, but that will be a lesson for another day.

    The scientists are using the dredge to collect physical samples. They want rocks in hand, they want to determine the chemical composition, they want to look for trace elements, and they want to look at the rocks' magnetic properties.

    Scientific computer displays used for collecting and displaying information
    Similar to a control tower, there is an array of computer monitors that are constantly checked and monitored during scientific operations.

    Once back at the lab, scientists will measure isotopes of radioactive elements to ascertain the age of each sample, and measure the chemical compositions of the rock samples.

    The scientists are specifically looking for a sea mount to dredge. They want a basement sample. Because sediments do not easily accumulate on steep slopes, the steeper the side of a sea mount, the more likely the sample will be from that sea mount and not be a drop stone from displaced glacial ice. Imagine all the rocks being moved around in the icebergs in this picture.

    Icebergs and drop stones
    As glaciers move, they collect debris, and rocks get transported in the ice. These rocks often end up transported to the ocean and then to the ocean floor as the icebergs melt: drop stones.

    It is now 14 hours later, the sea floor has been mapped, the scientists have found a track about one nautical mile in distance with a slope of approximately 40 degrees -- perfect for a dredge. The ship is facing into the wind, let's sample.

    Deployment of the dredge
    Prior to deployment of the dredge, maps and sea floor structures are studied. Once the exact location has been chosen the dredge is prepared and deployed.

    Retrieving the dredge
    Through some amazing maneuvering, the RV Palmer drops the dredge to the ocean floor where they want to collect rock samples. The ship then hovers over that spot while the dredge is lowered to 1700 meters. The ship will then sail along the desired course, playing out cable. The ship then pulls the dredge, hoping to break off bits of crust and not get a load of drop stones.

    Once the dredge is on board, a two step process begins. Our resident ecologist will check the sample for any biological specimens that happened to get caught, and then the geochemist jumps in and starts sorting and separating rocks.

    Samples from the dredge
    Once on board the vessel, both the biologist and geochemist on board start looking at the samples.

    It is now 9:30 at night, and we started using the multibeam to scout out our location at 4:00 this morning. Our first dredge was a success and we have samples. The second dredge at one point experienced over 14.5 thousand pounds of pressure, too much. The equipment is designed so that there are fail-safes, and a weak link (literally) snapped on the dredge: the equipment was saved but the samples were lost. Fail-safes are in place to ensure that there is no danger to the ship during different sampling operations, and to hopefully not lose scientific equipment. We are off to re-dredge, I foresee a long evening.

    Wandering albatross chick
    A wandering albatross chick. Just a little stretch of what will become a six to nine foot wingspan.

    Southern Ocean


    Sydney Beckstead

    Hi Ms. Worssam! I had a few questions about these machines, first of all, is the concept of all these machines similar to the ecolocation that some animals use? Second, are the salinity and temperature related to the depth of the water? Third, do you have to be a specific type of Geologist to work with underwater rocks and minerals (like a Marine Geologist?). Thanks so much for answering my questions and I hope you're having a great time!!!

    Jillian Worssam

    Hi Sydney, Thanks for all the questions. I am not sure on the machines question other than to confirm that it is a similar process
    like echolocation and we will go into it in more detail when I get back.
    When using the multibeam temperature and salinity are important to know
    as they effect the density of the water and the rate at which the
    pressure waves travel. Since we are measure the time it takes for the
    pressure wave to reach the sea floor and return the the streamer the
    salinity and temperature of the water is important. According to our
    geological experts, a degree in geology is broad enough to cover ocean
    rocks, and then an emphasis in petrology and or mineralogy. Hope that
    starts to help. MS. Worssam

    On 2014-10-13 08:01, wrote: