Location: Lat: 76 33.815 Long:  169 55.191

    Sunrise: 10:23 am Sunset: 7: 21 pm

    ****Sorry for the short entry tonight, but I need to get to bed early to get up early for our Polar Week live event tomorrow morning at 7:30 Alaska time!

    I loved all the guesses about yesterdays sound of the arctic. Some of the guesses were: tracking the bear sonar mechanisms aliens :) sound effects guy

    However, no one actually got the right answer! The sound clip was given to me by one of the scientists on board - Katie Ott who got the clip from the North Slope Borough Department of Wildlife Management. It was recorded near Point Barrow. The sound is a bearded seal under the ice. Who would have thought?!?

    Bearded Seal
    Bearded Seal

    Weather Summary
    clear at times, foggy at times, frosty rainbow
