My Expedition Ended, But My Journey Continues! This school year is flying by! I have been sharing my experience with my students and community since my return and one thing I've noticed is how many…
Top of Slope Mountain
Been There For 30 days, I immersed myself into the field research experience. I spent a week in Barrow (Utqiagvik), Alaska learning not only about my project, phenology and vegetation change in the…
Last day at Imnavait
Today is my last full day at Toolik. I'm planning on doing as much as I can fit in to one day with my team. I've been trying to figure out what to say about my month here on the north slope, but I'm…
Thermokarst feature near Slope Mountain
When you speak of the tundra, most people will picture this desolate, frozen landscape. However, in reality, it's a vast, dynamic ecosystem that survives in extremes. One of the features I have been…
Last Hike Today we hiked Slope Mountain. Although we didn't spot any animals, it was a fun climb with great company. Since Jeremy and Matthew's cameras take better pics, I included several of their…
Sunny Day at Toolik Lake
I Know It Sounds Crazy Guys, it's hot in Alaska. I know, I know, all my friends down south are rolling their eyes and sighing mightily. I know if you look at the temperature, you might think, "What…
Tundra Vole
What's A Vole? Voles are small, mouse-like mammals that are more closely related to lemmings than to other rodents. They live above ground and feed on vegetation, seeds, roots, and anything else…
Alaskan Pipeline
Take Two This is my second attempt at this blog. I'm nearing the end of my expedition and I'm beginning to think about my message I want to share when I return home to Oklahoma. I thought about the…
Jackson Drew Unispec
It Started Out With Normal Routine... Today started like any other Wednesday with a Toolik tram run. When I got back to camp, I had an invite to tag along with Jackson Drew and Amy Li. They were…
Ground Squirrel and Pedicularis
So it really hit me today. Standing on the top of a hill in Toolik working on phenology plots, thinking about the overall greenness of the ledum in a plot 42, and it struck me. I'm doing science.…
Beautiful Day outside Toolik
After an unusual beginning to my time in the arctic (weather-wise, that is), routine is beginning to settle in. Not only did we accomplish the Monday To Do list, but got in a bunch of side projects…
Sundays are fun days and today a bunch of us hiked up Antigun Falls. Enjoy!