Latitude: 77 S Longitude: 171 E Temperature: -6.7 degrees C **Wind Chill: **-29.1 degrees C!

    We are in our second day of rough sailing. The winds have really picked up and have made working outside very difficult. Just walking is hard! This has also been the coldest day so far. The waves are hitting the ship so hard that it is difficult to type, so this will be a short entry.

    We enjoyed a special New Year's Eve three- course dinner of reindeer steaks and trimmings. At midnight we gathered on the bridge and the Captain rang the ship's bell signaling in the New Year. Several voices broke out singing Auld Lang Syne as we made a champagne toast.

    Midnight New Year's Sun Midnight on the Ross Sea.

    Just before we headed to the bridge, however, someone said we needed party hats - and I was delegated to come up with something! I went upstairs to the supply closet and pickings were grim. I finally found a box of multi-colored sheet protectors and brought them down to disperse, it was getting very close to midnight. It only took a few minutes to figure out how to wear them.

    Happy New Year from the Ross Sea!!


    Making Party Hats Come on Tish, get your hat on!!*

    Party Hats Who would have thought??? Sheet protector hats!!*

