Through the Porthole: What is the landscape like in Barrow?

    Mountain and whale tails!  Springs Student. June 2012.  Photo by Lisa Seff
    Whale tails and mountains. Springs School student drawing. June 2012. Photo by LIsa Seff.

    Alaska is a huge state with a wide variety of vegetation and landscapes. Barrow is very flat and is located on the Arctic Coastal Plain. It is considered an Arctic tundra biome based on it's lack of trees, simple vegetation structure, low temperatures, low precipitation, low nutrients and short growing season. I find it interesting that you can also find tundra in mountain regions, such as the area I hiked with Dr. Okkonen and Dr. Campbell back in August. We began our Crow Pass hike at the base of the mountain in the forest but we soon found ourselves in Alpine tundra conditions as the elevation increased, the temperatures decreased and the vegetation quickly changed to low shrubs, grasses and moss.
    …but sometimes it’s nice to put the science aside and just enjoy the view. Join us on our day hikes through the Alpine and Arctic landscapes!


    A través de a Ventanilla: A que se parece el paisaje de Barrow?

    Mountain and whale tails!  Springs Student. June 2012.  Photo by Lisa Seff
    Whale tails and mountains. Springs School student drawing. June 2012. Photo by LIsa Seff.

    Alaska es un estado inmenso con una amplia variedad de vegetación y paisajes. Barrow es muy plano y está localizado en la planicie costal ártica. El bioma es considerado una tundra ártica basado en su ausencia de arboles, estructura de vegetación simple, bajas temperaturas, baja precipitación, bajos nutrientes y temporada de crecimiento corta. Me parece interesante que también puedes encontrar tundra en regiones montañosas, como el área por el que caminamos con el Dr. Okkonen y Dr. Campell en Agosto. Empezamos nuestra caminata del Paso del Cuervo (Crow Pass) en la base de la montaña en el bosque pero rápidamente nos encontramos en condiciones alpinas de tundra a lo que subía la elevación, la temperatura disminuía y la vegetación cambiaba rápidamente de arbustos bajos a hierbas y moss. … pero a veces es lindo poner la ciencia a un lado y simplemente disfrutar la vista. Júntense con nosotros en nuestro día de caminata por los paisajes alpinos y árticos!


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    Overcast, windy with snow
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