A Stormy Day in Barrow Alaska!

    The research team and the captain made the right call. As the day went on the ocean and atmosphere conditions in Barrow turned from bad to worse. Wow, what a quick switch in the weather. When I arrived in Anchorage I could have worn shorts and was down to a tee shirt while we hiked Crow Pass. On the boat from Prudhoe Bay to Barrow the sun peeked out from time to time and I had moments where I wondered....had I packed too many clothes?

    Today the weather definitively headed in a different direction as a cold wind kicked up from the west at approximately 25 mph!

    It's a rainy day in Barrow?  What's a PolarTREC teacher to do?
    White caps on the horizon. August 27, 2012. Photo by Lisa Seff.

    The chill of the wind quickly reminded me that we are perched on the Arctic Ocean. Brrrr......Suddenly I couldn't wear enough clothes and even as the lab's heat cranked up I still felt a chill! It doesn't rain much in Barrow, remember what we learned a few journals ago, so it wasn't a downpour like we get back home. Instead it was more of a wind blown drizzle that was wet enough to make outside walking a bit miserable, photography a challenge and using sensitive oceanographic equipment on the rough and tumbling sea absolutely out of the question!

    PolarTREC, stormy, Barrow, Lisa Seff
    Waves coming into shore in Barrow Alaska. August 28, 2012. Photo by Lisa Seff.

    Don't worry though, I still had a very interesting day! You can join me touring around the drizzly tundra and NARL facility by clicking on the video link below! http://

    Through the Porthole! Do penguins live in the Arctic?

    Penguin drawing by Springs School Student.
    Penguin drawing by Springs School Student. June 2012. Photo by Lisa Seff.

    It's a common misconception but penguins do not live in the Northern Hemisphere, they can only be found in the Southern Hemisphere. Remember, polar bears Northern Hemisphere, penguins Southern Hemisphere!

    Un día tormentoso en Barrow Alaska!

    El equipo de investigadores y el capitán tomaron la decisión correcta. A lo progresaba el día las condiciones del océano y de la atmosfera en Barrow fueron de mal a peor. Wow, que cambio más abrupto del clima. Cuando llegue a Anchorage pude haber llevado pantalones cortos y camiseta mientras paseábamos por el Pase del Cuervo (Crow Pass). En el barco de Prudhoe Bay a Barrow el sol se asomaba de vez en cuando y tuve momentos en que me preguntaba … empaque demasiada ropa?

    Hoy el clima definitivamente iba en otra dirección a lo que vino un viento frio del oeste aproximadamente a 25 mph!

    It's a rainy day in Barrow?  What's a PolarTREC teacher to do?
    White caps on the horizon. August 27, 2012. Photo by Lisa Seff.

    El frio del viento me hizo acuerdo que estamos arriba en el océano Ártico. Brrrr …. De pronto no me pude poner suficiente ropa y aun cuando subió la calefacción en el laboratorio seguía sintiendo el frio. No llueve mucho en Barrow, acuérdense lo que aprendimos en revistas pasadas, así que no fue un llovida como las tenemos en casa. En su lugar er mas una llovizna soplada por el viento que era suficiente para hacer el caminar afuera algo miserable, fotografiar un desafío y el uso del equipo de oceanografía sensitivo sobre el mar agitado y revoltoso absolutamente fuera de consideración.

    PolarTREC, stormy, Barrow, Lisa Seff
    Waves coming into shore in Barrow Alaska. August 28, 2012. Photo by Lisa Seff.

    Pero no se preocupen. Aun así tuve un día interesante! Pueden unirse conmigo en nuestro día tormentoso en Barrow haciendo clic en el link de abajo!


    Weather Summary
    Hard drizzle and stormy.
    Wind Speed
