Senior Scientist Anne Jensen gave a presentation about cultural resilience and sustainability at the 2012 Arctic Ocean Ecosystem Workshop in Barrow, Alaska. Read more about her archaeological work here.
Submitted by PolarTREC teacher Frank Kelley on August 10, 2008
The Scientist of the Week for this week is the PI (Principal Investigator) for the Nuvuk Archaeology Project, Anne Jensen. She wears many hats. Head of the Nuvuk Archaeology Project, Senior Scientist for UIC (Ukpeaġvik Iñupiat Corporation) Science Center in Barrow, as well as other duties are all part of
This Live from IPY was conducted with PolarTREC teacher Frank Kelley and a team of researchers working on the Nuvuk Archaeology Project outside Barrow, Alaska. The event was held on August 5, 2008 and had approximately 100 participants.
Online version of the Eagle Times news article describing Frank Kelley's PolarTREC expedition in Barrow, Alaska. Frank Kelley, PI Anne Jensen, and the team are conducting archaeological studies at the Nuvuk site outside Barrow, Alaska.
Article from the Palm Beach Post describing work being completed by Anne Jensen and the archaeology team at the Nuvuk Archaeology site outside Barrow, Alaska.
The Surface Archaeology Activity will allow you to develop some of the knowledge and skills that archaeologists use to do their work while also getting a chore done at home. The steps are really easy, and then you can decide to maybe tackle another room in the house.