Airport Holding Area
Norway takes their COVID-19 regulations very seriously. To combat the spread of the virus, Norway has very strict entry restrictions and testing requirements. Because I cannot prove vaccination…
Packing Picture 1
It has been a very hectic few weeks. I found out I had a new preparation the week before school started. It's Physical Science, which I have taught before, but as my wife reminded me, not since we'…
Students in the Hallway
And, we're back! For teachers, the end of summer meets the beginning of the school year like the start of the 100 meter sprints at the Olympics. Instead of the event lasting 9.58 seconds, however,…
NABOS Cruise Map
Well, since my last journal entry in December, my project has changed. Because Jim Thomson's CODA (Coastal Ocean Dynamics of the Arctic) cruise was the last in the grant cycle, I will not be…