Yesterday we had about 3,500 lbs of gear shipped back from camp and today we had to put it all back where it belonged. We started out by laying everything out and then sorting it by what building it needed to be returned to. All of our camping gear needed to go back to the BFC (Byrd Field Center), all the mechanical equipment like our chainsaws needed to go back to the MEC (Mechanical Equipment Center), any communications equipment like our radios needed to go back to Comms, and some of the tools we borrowed needed to go back to the Carpentry Shop. It was quite the task, but we worked together and we finished in time to watch Monday Night Football at 2:30 pm on a Tuesday (this time change is crazy sometimes).
I think we are all a little stir crazy from being suddenly trapped inside after living outdoors for the last three and a half weeks. Sleeping in a bed last night and getting a shower was nice, but I miss my tent and being in the Dry Valleys. We had to get out for at least a little bit tonight, so Tim, Scott, and I went for a hike. We climbed up Ob Hill (Observation Hill) and it was a great view.