Tyler lowering a camera into the lake
Today was the first day where it felt like we're settled in and actually doing science. Megan's been working hard to get our lab tent organized, and we were able to drill our first hole through the…
Mt. Erebus
As I mentioned in my audio-journal, we made it to Lake Joyce! We arrived three nights ago, on the first helicopter flight we could get after weather delays. Our helicopter flight was spectacular --…
Lucy Coleman checks in from Lake Joyce near the Dry Valleys in Antarctica! The views are stunning and she has arrived at the remote field site. Listen in on her call from the satellite phone.
G-063 with snow blowing
Dear Mom and Dad, Greetings from Lake Joyce, Antarctica! I hope this finds you well and are enjoying my journals. I know you worry about me since Antarctica has a reputation for being a pretty…
Blue skies at McMurdo Station!
Off Into Wild Blue Yonder! We woke this morning to blue skies poking through the blackout curtains and the dulcet sound of helicopters buzzing around McMurdo. As we were in the office, our day,…
Megan and I hiking up Observation Hill.
Grounded! Intermittently, we've had bouts of sunshine the last couple of days... and then the snow blows sideways again. We're all packed up and ready for the field season at Lake Joyce.... but we…
SCINI- a submersible ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle).
Astrobiology: Another Cool Polar Science Project Because we are in a bit of holding pattern until we leave for Lake Joyce, I had some time to interview another very interesting scientist here in…
A pisten bully.
A McMurdo Vocab Lesson It seems like every institution has its own language and way of identifying things. Like at my school, our Benvenuti Center for the Arts just gets called "The Ben"... So here…
Preparing our crate of pipes and drill bits.
A PhotoJournal for You! The weather here has been pretty consistently windy and very cold the last couple of days, and we found out yesterday afternoon that our helicopter flights have been delayed…
Animal physiologist  Britt Bjelde with the experiemental aquarium.
Other Cool Polar Science Projects I've been spending lots of time in the Crary Lab today, and the place is humming with scientists engaged in very interesting projects. The halls of the building are…
A sample of itemized cargo list.
5000 Pounds of Cargo and Counting Right now, we have an estimated 5000 pounds of cargo, including 700 pounds of PVC pipes for our project. The schlepping is getting serious! Everything has to be…
"Condition 2" weather.
Prepping for a Field Season The weather here has taken a turn for the worse. We are now in "Condition 2", which means that visibility is drastically reduced due to high winds blowing snow. With the…