The research team went to Antarctica through Churchchrist, New Zealand.  In Churchchrist they had to get their ECW(abbreviation) Extreme Cold Weather clothing (Extreme Cold Weather) gear issued.  This gear includes all the clothes, coats, gloves, boots, hats, etc. that will be needed in the cold environment of Antarctica. 

    Extreme Cold Weather Gear
    J. Holt at his ECW gear issue in Christchurch Photo: J. Holt

    The UTIG research team had to wait for great weather before leaving Christchurch and flying to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.  

    Isaac, a member of the UTIG research team, describes his first experiences in Antarctica: 

    We arrived safely on Friday to McMurdo Station on Ross Island. It is a beautiful place, and there is no lack of ice. Among the most remarkable things is Mt. Erebus smoking silently in the background. On the opposite side, South, there are about 30 miles of perfectly flat sea-ice followed by the Trans-Antarctic mountains. These majestic beauties are something to behold, and I will never get tired of staring at them. The sights here are stunning. 

    The researchers then got assigned their living quarters and unpacked.  Later they took a short trip into town on the Ivan the Terra Bus.  

    McMurdo Living
    Living quarters at McMurdo Station Photo: J. Holt

    Stay tuned for more information as the scientists begin their geophysical research. 
