You really can see Alaska from here!!! During our afternoon walk, I looked to the East and believe it or not, I could see Betsey Wilkening over in Alaska doing research on the snow up in Barrow!

    I see Alaska!
    She was right, you really can see Alaska from over here in Russia!

    Hi Betsey
    Tim Martin in Pevek Russia, waving at Betsey Wilkening in Barrow, Alaska.

    Here is what I saw...Betsey Wilkening waving back from Barrow Alaska!

    Take some time to click over to the left and check out Betsey's journal about life up at BARC in Barrow Alaska! She will be hosting a Live From the International Polar YearThe International Polar Year (IPY) is a two year (2007-2009) program of international research and education focused on the Arctic and Antarctic. Click here for more information about IPY. Webcast in just a couple days. Be sure and sign up for this live event.

    We are having such a good time in Pevek, we think we may stay!

    Volker, Jokem, Addie, Martin and Christina, having a good time in Pevek!

    Strong Germans!
    Jochem supporting the rest of the team!

    Some of the others thought they saw a walrus laying out on the Arctic ocean... upon closer inspection they realized that it was wearing some big fur hat...

    Is that a Walrus? No, just me taking a photo.

    Ice sculpture
    The photo that the walrus took.

    If you are still guessing... look at today's date! Hope you have a good April Fool's Day.

    T-Mart... staying warm in Pevek... and at last flying out to Lake E!

    Roshydromet station Pevek, Russia
    Weather Summary
    Warm :)
