The LSSL near Kug
My first recollection of the term reentry was that of the Apollo space missions when the capsule that returned with the astronauts inside would reenter the earths atmosphere in a ball of flames. Then…
Bill Williams
Final words from Chief Scientist, cruise leader Bill Williams A big thanks to all the science team, and the Captain and crew of the CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent. This has been a very successful 15th…
The stern takes a bath
First News The Louis is a fine vessel. It was designed to move through thick ice as if it were soft butter. It owes this ability to its round hull and keel-less design. This design is also its…
Arthi and Cassie
First News Our track is now heading south to the MK line (see map below) where a series of CTD rosette casts are being done along the Beaufort Shelf moving from deep water to relatively shallow…
LSSL drifting
First News Yesterday's mooring deployment at Mooring Station D, aka CB21, was successful albeit tricky with significant swells. The mooring crew was pretty worked by day’s end. You could see…
Mooring recapture
First News Last night's out-and back trip towards the northwest took us to a couple CTD rosette stations, CB6 and later CB19 on the return. So we are back at Mooring Station D, aka CB21, for a…
CTD Rosette night ops 1
First News After the successful redeployment of Mooring Station A, last night we steamed to the east and found ourselves at Mooring Station D aka CB21. This is the last of the mooring stations and…
Wilfred's Silhouette
First news Mooring A was successfully redeployed today and now (5:06 pm of local time) we are moving toward mooring D with a lot of CTD stations. Life on the Louis It occurred to me that life on…
Arctic Sunrise
First News We had some visitors early this morning but they did not come aboard. The USCGC Healy was spied as the sun was rising way off in the eastern horizon. The Healy is an icebreaker from the…
Barrow from the ship
First News We are headed to Barrow... Alaska that is. Normally when I think of going to Barrow I think of it in terms of approaching from the south-something like Missoula to Seattle to Anchorage to…
Aurora Borealis 1
First News Aaagh – the elusive Aurora Borealis aka Northern Lights. We southerners who come from the lower latitudes rarely if ever get a chance to see them. Usually when we do it is kind of a let…