On Monday, April 9, we loaded the ship with many bags and boxes of gear. Everyone moved into their rooms, unpacked and then headed for the science lab. In order to do science experiments, the…
Last night was quite a treat. It was especially nice if you were a cook or work in the kitchen area of the Healy. The CPOs were in charge of dinner. The CPOs are the Chief Petty Officers of the ship…
One really important responsibility on the ship is to take very good observations. Like any scientist, you must use all your senses and record everything to be available for others. Down in the…
I have been kept busy all day. In the morning, I went and checked in with Nancy and David Kachel and worked with the CTD. One parameter of the CTD was changed to help get better data. The PAR was…
One thing you can say about the BEST mission is that it's full of adventure! Take today for example. April 13 was the launch test date for the helicopter that the National Marine Mammal Lab (NOAA)…
Well- it is officially Friday the 13th, and has been for the past ½ an hour.  Yes, that’s right, I’m still awake at 12:30 in the morning, and I’ve been up since 6:30!!  This is something that’s…
Dr. Ray Dr. Ray Sambrotto wears many hats on this mission. Ray Sambrotto is the PI (principal investigator) for this expedition. His job, besides doing investigations in the lab, is to coordinate…
Today was my first time getting to officially work with a team of scientists. I was working with the team my roommate, Nancy Kachel, belongs to from the NOAA-PMEL unit. Her husband, David Kachel, is…
Being a scientist requires you to have top-level problem solving and analyzing skills. The scientific team from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) is a great example of this skill in…
Yesterday (4/10/07) was our first day out of port- we steamed away at 12:30pm and headed for our first station, which was only a few hours outside of Dutch Harbor. It was exciting to be heading away…
I had to share my morning with you. I woke up to a beautiful rising sun. A beautiful sunrise on the Bering Sea It was completely breathtaking, right? I went to breakfast and then spent some time…
One bird that we expect to find up here in the western part of the Bering Sea is the Laysan Albatross. This is one beautiful bird, large creamy white, and so elegant! It breeds in the Hawaiian…