We are in a good work routine. Every morning, we collect snow samples, check on the air sampling instruments, check to see how much sunlight is reflecting of the snow surface and then head back to the Big House for lunch. After lunch, our snow samples have melted and we pour this water through a filter to trap any particles that landed on the snow.

    Filtering Melted Snow
    After our snow samples are melted, Hannah pours this water through a filter.

    Do you want to see what we see on the filter after the water passes through it?

    Trapped Particles From Melted Snow
    Can you see the gray particles on the filter?

    We can’t tell what these particles are just by looking at them. We need to take them back to Georgia Tech so that Mike and Brandon can determine what they are. It could take months before they have analyzed all the samples. I can’t wait to find out!

    Summit, Greenland
    Weather Summary
    overcast all day with a hint of blue sky peeking out in the evening
    Wind Speed
    Wind Chill
