
The students' task is to produce a brochure for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. These brochures will be used by the representatives of "Here We Go Travel" to advertise the virtues of traveling to both polar regions. The students will produce a 45 second radio spot that they will write and record as part of their overall

About a week
Middle School and Up
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Archive of Live from IPY! event held 10 July 2008 with Elizabeth Eubanks and the Arctic Tundra Dynamics '08 team of Paulo Olivas and Jose Luciani. Other special guests discussed additional tundra and snowy owl research currently taking place in Barrow.

Ed Epps writes about PolarTREC teacher Rob Wilder's adventures in Northern Alaska.

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Article covering Rob Wilder's PolarTREC expedition.

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Arctic Tundra Dynamics in Barrow, Alaska with Rob Wilder.