What Are They Doing?

The team investigated the role of carbon in arctic tundra ecosystems. Approximately one quarter of the world's soil organic carbon is stored at high northern latitudes in permafrost and soils. As the arctic environment warms, this carbon may be released to the atmosphere in the form of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). The goal of this project was to understand how changes in a warming and drying arctic environment might affect the balance and stability of the arctic soil carbon. The team measured soil moisture, permafrost depth, carbon dioxide and methane gas in the soil and atmosphere, and surveyed plant composition, function and primary productivity. They also used remote sensing as part of a larger project to investigate patterns of change across the tundra at various scales, from small local changes to landscape level changes.

Before Mr. Wilder joined Dr. Obermeier’s team, he had the opportunity to work on an archaeological project outside of Barrow with Anne Jensen. Ms. Jensen has been excavating remains in Nuvuk, the northernmost village in Alaska, in order to learn more about the history of the region over the past 1200 years. Click here to learn more about the project.

Where Are They?

Mr. Wilder and Dr. Oberbauer lived in the village of Barrow, Alaska and worked at sites outside of the village. Much of the field work took place at the Barrow Environmental Observatory, where many long-term environmental studies have been undertaken.

Latest Journals

Today was a very cool day here in Fairbanks and it was cool in two ways, one being that the high was only about 20*F and the other is that we were able to see the completion of the Yukon Quest dog sled race. This year it began in Whitehorse of the Yukon Territory in Canada and finished in Fairbanks…
It has been a while since I wrote one of these. Two years ago I was here in Fairbanks preparing for what would be one of the most exciting summers of my life.  A lot has happened in those two years but the excitement is still in the air as a new group of teachers prepare for their own TRECs. …
Polar TREC Reflection Five weeks is just long enough to get a taste of life as a researcher/scientist and I feel I had a good sampling but it left me wanting more. I had more energy while in Barrow than I ever do back home even though I was up early and to bed late, feeling like I was trying…
Jack’s weather report: Wow!.....it was near record temperatures today in Barrow as the string of beautiful days continue. It was in the 60’s by this afternoon. Today actually began yesterday when I woke up for my last turn at taking diurnal measurements of carbon flux. I say that because I did…
Barrow, Alaska
Project Funded Title
Climate Change and Tundra Ecosystems in Barrow, Alaska
Rob Wilder - Teacher
Spartanburg High School

Rob Wilder has been teaching high school science in Spartanburg, South Carolina for 19 years. He serves as the faculty advisor for his school's Envirothon team, coaches cross-country and track, and serves as a reader for the College Board AP Environmental Science exam. Mr. Wilder uses a hands-on approach to teaching Environmental Science, and has been known to cook meals in his solar oven in the school parking lot. Mr. Wilder enjoys the outdoors, where his hobbies include running and beekeeping.

Steven Oberbauer - Researcher
Florida International University

Steven Oberbauer is a Professor of Biological Sciences at Florida International University in Miami. Dr. Oberbauer received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from San Diego State University, where he was first introduced to arctic research. He completed his Ph.D. at Duke University studying the ecophysiology of tropical trees in Costa Rica. Dr. Oberbauer currently researches climate change effects in both the Arctic and the Tropics, specifically how plants adjust to changes in their environment and resource availability.

Arctic Tundra Dynamics Resources


The students' task is to produce a brochure for both the Arctic and the Antarctic. These brochures will be used by the representatives of "Here We Go Travel" to advertise the virtues of traveling to both polar regions. The students will produce a 45 second radio spot that they will write and record as part of their overall

About a week
Middle School and Up
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Archive of Live from IPY! event held 10 July 2008 with Elizabeth Eubanks and the Arctic Tundra Dynamics '08 team of Paulo Olivas and Jose Luciani. Other special guests discussed additional tundra and snowy owl research currently taking place in Barrow.

Ed Epps writes about PolarTREC teacher Rob Wilder's adventures in Northern Alaska.

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Article covering Rob Wilder's PolarTREC expedition.

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Arctic Tundra Dynamics in Barrow, Alaska with Rob Wilder.