Robin and I visited Kristi Wallace of the USGS lab that we met yesterday. She gave us a tour of her facility and explained all aspects of her research. Kristi does analysis on tephra, which is material ejected from volcanoes. I interviewed her for half an hour and have several photos from that interview. Later, I will edit the interview and have it on the web site as a podcast for all of you to see.

    Kristi Wallace from USGS
    Kristi Wallace from USGS explains projects from the lab.

    Kristy Wallace talks about her research at USGS.

    Petrographic scope at USGS
    Scope used for viewing minerals.

    Petrographic Scope.

    Map of Aleutian volcanoes
    Map of most active Aleutian Island volcanoes

    *Map of Volcanoes in the Aleutian Islands. *

    Scanning scope images of rock framents
    Scanning scope images of rock fragments from tephra.

    Images from Pertrographic Scope.

    bog samples ready for analysis
    bog samples ready for analysis

    Bog Samples.

