Some Easy Ways to Learn More About MOSAiC

    None of us really know exactly how easily I'll be able to send e-mails from the ship. The most recent updates sound good, so I am hopeful. But just in case, I wanted to provide some links to ways you can learn more about the MOSAiC Expedition. And if you are just finding out about MOSAiC, these are great ways to get up to speed!

    A brief planetarium-style video introduction to the MOSAiC Expedition

    Short video interview with Markus Rex, MOSAiC Expedition Leader

    Short video interview with Matthew Shupe, MOSAiC Expedition Co-Lead and Amy Solomon CIRES/NOAA Scientist

    MOSAiC Expedition Website

    MOSAiC Web App where you can see live updates

    More about MOSAiC, plus outreach and education materials, through CIRES in Colorado

    Ask A Question Via Video

    Subscribe to MOSAiC Monday for educators or the monthly newsletter for educators

    Also, I wanted to do a shout-out to Ms. Erin McKinney's second grade class in North Carolina. Flat Stanley is here with me and all ready for his trip to the Arctic sea ice. My friend Johanna Main (7 years old) helped to get Stanley set up with a hat and gloves and boots while I visited her dad's farm in Washington.

    Father, daughter, and a drawing in front of a rabbit hutch Daughter with a drawing on a tractor

    Two people with a drawing on the ferry to Seattle
    Flat Stanley had fun with me, Johanna, and Nathan while I was in Washington State before departing for Norway.



    Janet Warburton

    Thanks Katie for all the great information so far! You have been busy. I hope we can hear from you but if we can't, we'll be sure to repost things and tidbits here for others to follow.
    Happy Sailing to you and Anne and all the others!