Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 07/07/2011 - 18:18

I I am enjoying following your blog. It is very interesting and I love the photos. Are you staying warm and sleeping through the night. What kind of food are you all having and where does it come from? When will you know what kind of particles you are collecting? Take care! Nancie S.

Kevin McMahon

Hi Nancie, I have been sleeping well through the night, except for last night. I got up a couple of times to put on more layers and an extra pair of socks. When I woke up this morning, the temperature was at 0 degrees Fahrenheit (or -18 degrees Celsius). Chilly!We won't know until this fall about the types of particles that we have collected. We are getting some general information right now about the size of the particles in the air and how much sunlight is being absorbed by the particles in the air from the instruments in the TAWO building. But, the particles found in the snow need to be analyzed at Georgia Tech.
The food gets flown up here on the planes. When a plane lands, it brings "freshies" - lettuce, veggies, fruit, pineapples and other perishables. Q, our cook, does a great job. Last night, we had duck with a cherry glaze sauce. It is not what you would typically expect for dinner at the peak of the Greenland Ice Sheet! A flight will come in every three weeks or so. Thanks for following my expedition!


What a trip and so educational for those of us that are fortunate enough to be able to follow you! And this is your second trip! How little I know about my neighbor...
All ok here - very hot and a bit of rain. Stay "warm".