Hi Missy and the rest of the team!! Saw the recent journals, looks like there are some archaeologists in training over there with the shovel work on the gravel/ moraine, and the trowel for the soil sampling. Good job with 2 of my favorite tools!!

Any signs of material from past cultures?

Great pictures of the eclipse. Keep up the good work, the variety of experiments is very interesting.

Best, Frank Nuvuk Archaeology Project Barrow, AK

Missy Holzer

Hello from the other side of the top of the Earth!Looks like you are having a successful expedition & some funky weather! Our weather is expected to turn colder and wetter later this week.
During our expedition we have come across any artifacts of the past other than here at Isfjord Radio. Apparently there is a coastal site not too far from here called Russiakeila that has several abandoned small huts used by Russian hunters (thanks Maggie!!!). If we come across it I'll post some pictures.
Good luck over there!
Missy Holzer


hi my name is innnica i live in australia melbourne we have to do an archaeology project for school and i was wondering if you could give me some of the names of them ebfore tuesday that would be great thanks