Great to see what you've been up to, Mike! Looks like you are having an amazing experience.

Michael League

Hi Nell! Thanks for following along. It is amazing down here. Just wait
until you experience it. I bet you're getting excited already!
P.S. Good wishes for the start of the school year!

Nell Herrmann

Hi again,You are 100% right. Following your expedition is making me extra excited to get down there. Keep the journals and photos coming. They're great!

Michael League

Thanks, Nell! That's nice to hear. The team is getting ready for fieldoperations in two days. Should be great to get out on the sea ice. We
can't wait to share it with you.

Nell Herrmann

I'm going to have my Polar Ambassador group with me tomorrow after school and we'll be saying "hello from PA." I'm sure we'll have lots of questions about the exciting work you're doing. More soon!

Michael League

Nell,Sounds great! We can't wait to hear from your Polar Ambassador group.
They are so lucky to have a teacher like you!

Nell Herrmann

Hey there,My students are absolutely amazed by what you are doing down there. They cannot get over the pictures of the dive hole. It looks like a couple of their posts didn't work, so we'll have to give it another try.
Thanks again for doing such a great job of showing us what you are doing!

Michael League

Hey Nell,My pleasure! Thanks for getting your students on the forum. Tell them
to stay tuned in. We are just getting started! There is SO MUCH MORE
we have to show you.